
Simple Strategies For Staying Young, Vibrant and Healthy

Simple Strategies For Staying Young, Vibrant and Healthy

As we age, it is important to be conscious of our health and wellbeing. There are a variety of strategies and tools that can help us feeling good, looking good, and staying healthy. Here are simple, non-invasive, non pharmaceutical natural approaches that have stood the test of time.

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InBody Analyzer
biohacking, weight loss, inflammation, fitness, BMI Kelsey Koula biohacking, weight loss, inflammation, fitness, BMI Kelsey Koula

InBody Analyzer

The InBody Analyzer uses safe, low-level electrical currents that run through hand and foot electrodes to measure body composition which gives us a lot more information that just measuring your weight, or even measuring your BMI using your height, weight and age. The more information you have, the better. The simple difference between weight and body composition is that weight is a measure of muscle, fat, and bones in the body, but body composition gives you the percentage of each which gives us much more information.

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