Do you Know the Benefits of Infrared Sauna?
Author: Dr. Julia Marie, NMD
Infrared saunas have been Scientifically proven to improve many areas of health and well-being, everything from sleep, mood, muscle growth, metabolism, fat burning to heart health. In this article you will learn about the difference between saunas, their unique benefits as well as how infrared sauna use creates profound affects in your body.
Infrared Sauna VS Traditional Saunas:
Just about everyone has experienced the relaxing qualities of a sauna. You feel the heat on your skin instantly, which may make you assume that all saunas warm the body up from the outside, inward, but full spectrum infrared saunas are unique from traditional saunas(mid or near infrared) in that the infrared wavelength of light deeply penetrates the body and warms you from the inside out². Because of this, infrared saunas stimulate the detox process of the body very efficiently as it works at the cellular level of the organs and sweat glands².
Every time you sweat, you can acknowledge that your body is using it’s largest detox organ, the skin, to let go of what is no longer needed in the body. It is also important to note that infrared provides all of these benefits without the downsides of radiation from the sun (sunlight) with prolonged exposure. Infrared is part of the natural spectrum of light that has three categories, each with it’s own benefits. The infrared sauna at Optimyze is Full Spectrum, meaning it compiles the benefits of all 3 of these wavelengths of light to optimally support your health goals.
The main difference of a far infrared sauna (the sauna technology at Optimyze centers) versus near or mid infrared is that the far infrared penetrates all the way to the organ and fat level, stimulating the highest level of detox, fat burning and circulation.³
Near and mid infrared effect mild detox and regeneration as well as blood circulation, creating a more mild and different effect on the body.
Benefits of Full Spectrum Infrared Light:
Improved sleep
Increase in bone, muscle and tissue growth and repair (via growth hormone)
muscle performance and recovery (by stimulating heat shock proteins)³
pain relief
improved mood
increased metabolic rate (meaning metabolism, as it torches calories and fat at an accelerated rate)³
improved circulation of blood and lymph
skin healing properties
cardiovascular benefits (decreased BNP; which is a heart failure marker, heart enlargement markers, how efficiently the heart pumps blood, etc.)⁴
stress reduction³
Benefits explained: How sauna use supports the foundation of our rest, recovery and repair:
Increase in Growth Hormone release:
Andrew Huberman’s research lab documented that just 20 minutes in an infrared sauna has been shown to increase growth hormone release, a powerful hormone whose role I will explain below. On top of that, when you combine hot and cold therapies in alternating cycles (sauna therapy, hot tub or hot shower altering with Cold tub, ice bath etc) you also increase growth hormone release.
Growth hormone is responsible for the growth and repair of muscle, bone and a majority of our tissues. This is due to its ability to increase amino acid uptake and the creation of proteins, two major building blocks of muscle. Not only does it support the building of muscle, but it also reduces the breakdown by lowering oxidation of proteins, thereby reducing inflammation, slower muscle recovery, soreness etc. This hormone also improves fat metabolism by making it much easier for our body to use and recycle fat.⁶
Improved sleep:
Our core body temperate naturally peaks in the late afternoon, dropping 1-3 degrees F after that to support in the transition to nighttime. By utilizing a sauna session (up to 20 or so minutes) you can support this natural cooling response of the body to enhance your body’s ability to fall asleep even more easily. Yes, hot temperatures absolutely support in relaxing the muscles and the mind because of the soothing warmth, but our ability to sleep soundly after experiencing a higher temperate is moreso about our body’s drop in temperate.⁶
Decrease is heart related deaths
Research shows that approximately 20 + minutes in the sauna has been shown to reduce heart related deaths compared to those that spent less than 11 minutes in the sauna. Sauna use also supports how “flexible” the blood vessels are that supply the heart, reducing blood pressure and heart rate.⁶
Infrared Sauna versus Red Light Therapy (RLT): What’s the Difference?
As we mentioned earlier, full spectrum infrared saunas include near, mid and far infrared light as you can see to the right of red light in the diagram.
To summarize, we’ve talked about how Infrared saunas heat the body from the inside out because these wavelengths have the ability to penetrate different layers of the skin. Red Light is an altogether separate wavelength of light, which makes sense that it has different qualities. Red Light Therapy on the other hand, uses the Red wavelength of light (see diagram, between 620-700 nm) which stimulates the energy centers of the cell, giving the cells tons of energy, without overtaxing the cardiovascular system⁵. For more information on RLT, please refer to our Red Light Therapy article on the website.
My personal experience:
I personally enjoy using the sauna to meditate, release what is no longer serving me, and to open the body up with stretching and lengthening once I have warmed up for about 15-20 minutes. I focus a lot on detoxification and release at this time, giving myself permission to release toxic physical materials from my muscles and gut, toxic thought patterns/beliefs/habits, as well as muscular tension that represents the need for letting go of resistance and relaxing to my current circumstances, etc. I find when you know a tool is used for a scientifically researched purpose, you can expand on that to receive even more benefits, because why not? When else are you going to give yourself the time and permission to do so? I make sure to use the sauna intentionally as it is a powerful tool which can be taxing and intense, and so I tailor my usage depending on the week and season. As with any tool at optimyze, when used with intention, at the right frequency and duration for you, it can produce great results. Please make an informed decision when trying anything out at the center, we are here to support you but first and foremost, to keep you safe.
For a sneak peek, here is one of our member’s experiences with the Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna at Optimyze in Arcadia, Arizona:
“An infrared sauna is the last place you’d expect to find an Arizona native.
It’s absolutely changed the game for me. Not only do I love it for a circulatory system reset (really gets the blood pumping). It helps me reach presence in a special way. It’s helped my mindset immensely with being okay with discomfort (ask anyone who has spent more than 15min in one) & that practice has inevitably benefited me in the real world.
Contrast therapy at Optimyze is probably my favorite thing in this world - it’s so good for the body *& soul*.”
Overall, full spectrum infrared sauna supports the foundation of our health in many ways whether it’s muscle growth and recovery, detoxification, sleep or reducing inflammation. Choose easy with lyourhea
Dr. Julia Marie, NMD
Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Emotional Breakthrough Specialist
All information posted is merely for education and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional or medical advice. Please consult with your Primary Care Physician if you have any concerns or questions. Should you decide to act upon any information on this website, you do so at your own risk.
¹9 health benefits of infrared saunas you can’t pass up
²Is an Infrared Sauna Better Than a Traditional Sauna?
³6 Benefits of Infrared Sauna Therapy
⁴Far-infrared saunas for treatment of cardiovascular risk factors
⁶Huberman Lab “Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Episode 28”