Halotherapy is an alternative treatment that involves breathing in tiny particles of salt. A device called a halogenerator mists salt into microscopic particles and releases them into the air. At Optimyze we pair Halo therapy with your sauna session. This stack of IR sauna and salt therapy was designed to provide optimal results pairing a breathing treatment with the benefits with IR sauna.
Once inhaled, these salt particles are claimed to absorb irritants, including allergens and toxins, from the respiratory system. Advocates say this process breaks up mucus and reduces inflammation, resulting in clear airways.
antibacterial & anti-inflammatory
can help with excessive mucus, pathogen agents, digestive issues, depression, skin conditions, and immune system oversensitivity
Halo Salt Therapy
Try a 10-pack
Purchase a 10-pack add-on of Halo Salt Therapy.
Halo Therapy is combined with a 20-mn Sauna & must be used in combination with a center session.
Book a Session
The full Optimyze Healing Ritual.
A 1-hour session includes our core therapies Compression, IR Sauna, Cold & Warm Hydrotherapy.