Begin your health optimization journey with Optimyze

Optimyze was created by the founders Michael Roviello and Jesse Moreng as a safe and empowering place for people to optimize their mind, body and breath.

The services at the center itself honor the themes of nature; including earth, wind, fire and water. Earth is represented by professional grade supplements that optimize nutritional support. The element of wind is presented by the normatec compression therapy devices which use inflatable compression technology. Next, the element of fire is represented by the Infrared saunas which are typically set at a blazing 158 degrees Fahrenheit. Finally, the element of water is represented by the hot tub jacuzzi, the cold time and the forge ice bath. 

All elements of nature are essential for balance and healing. Let’s take a look at why each of these were specifically selected by the Optimyze Center and how they will take your health to the next level.


Supplements are absolutely essential to the optimization of our body by giving it essential building blocks, as the produce and food available in modern day lacks many essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. If we literally do not “supplement” our nutrition, we are not supporting our bodies as best we can. Optimyze offers supplements including but not limited to gut healing products, shilajit, superfood powders, CBD, adrenal support and many more! The workers at each optimyze location will take one on one time with you to explain the specific uses of each supplement and will be happy to assist you in selecting a supplement that best fits your needs.

Normatec Compression Therapy

Normatec compression therapy devices that are designed specifically for the arms, hips and legs. Each device inflates to compress these specific areas to circulate fluids such as lymph and blood in the body that is essential for detox. Think of it this way, as the compression technology alternates between squeezing and relaxing the muscles, blood and lymph sequential up the arm, leg or hips, the body gets nourished with these vital fluids and damaged cells or toxins get pushed out of the body ⁴. Specific indications for the Normatec include pain, soreness or aching of the muscle, muscular fatigue or tension, bloating, indigestion or other stomach concerns, general muscle recovery and endurance ⁴⁻⁵.
Refer to our Compression Therapy Article for more info!


Infrared Sauna:

The infrared sauna has a specific wavelength of light that is used to essentially heats up the body from the inside out ². This means the organs and tissues deep in the body are effected first, so that the detox process in the body is very efficiency as it begins right when you step into the sauna. The infrared sauna is used for detoxing the body, longevity and optimal health as it targets heat shock proteins that decrease the risk of cancer or disease, improved circulation and heart health, fat burning, and many more². In addition, the sauna heats up the body and expands the blood vessels so that when you alternate with a cold tub or ice bath, the blood vessels get small and constrict, which circulates the blood throughout the body, assisting in your body’s innate ability to heal. From personal experience, the sauna has been a great place to practice calming and cooling breathwork to find stillness in my day. I also use it as a tool to get in touch with my body as I stretch, massage and move my body to increase the detox process.

Refer to our Infrared Sauna Article for more info!


Cold Tub & Ice Bath
(“Cold Water Therapy”):  

As you come into the center, the one thing you may be most hesitant of is the icebath, until you experience it’s magic! Every member has fallen in love with the physical, mental and emotional benefits of the cold tub/ice bath. On a physical level, the icebath reducing inflammation in the body, muscle soreness, tension or pain¹⁻⁷. In addition, cold water therapy and increases the metabolism over 376%, and upregulates the fat burning ability of the body ⁸. Cold water training also improves circulation as it briefly constricts the vessels in the body that carry blood and lymph which supports the body in releasing toxins, damaged cells, lactic acid and poorly oxygenated blood. On a mental and physical level, research has shown that cold water training stimulates catecholamine which activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases endorphins (feel good brain chemicals)⁷. In my personal experience, I have noticed that cold water improves my ability to respond to stressors in life in a very healthy way. As you step into the cold water, intentionally choosing discomfort and breathing through the experience until you are calm and grounded, you will find that you can apply this practice to everything in your life. I myself as well as my friends at the center have also used the cold tub as a way to set intentions for a  healthy mindset, emotional breakthroughs, releasing negative thoughts, visualizing success or happiness in their life and connecting with their higher power and inner guidance. How you show up in the ice is how you live your life; it’ll show you how you respond to stress, discomfort, negative thoughts, challenges… so that you can choose differently and build mental toughness using cold water therapy. My response to stress has absolutely transformed because of this practice.

Refer to our Cold Water Therapy Article for more info!


Joining this community has changed my life in every way. I never knew I could feel so vital, energized and uplifted! I encourage you to take on your healing journey to becoming your best self, you deserve it! For more information on starting your Optimyze Health Journey and booking a session, visit our website You can also find me on social media if you would like guidance and questions answered during your Optimyze journey from the lens of a Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor.

Dr. Julia Marie, NMD
Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Emotional Breakthrough Specialist


Simplifying and Maximizing Immune Health


PEMF Therapy: What is it?