What to expect during your first visit

Welcome to your first session with Optimyze®.

Congratulations on taking this important step on your health journey. Millions of people around the world have experienced the powerful synergy of hot and cold therapies, breathing exercises and the combination of all of the above. 

At Optimyze you experience multiple therapies with coaching (compression therapy, IR sauna, cold and hot hydrotherapy)in a 1-hour session.

You can Optimyze your experience by including one or more of the following upgrades: Red Light therapy PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) , Biocharger®, NuCalm®, Brain Tap® and the Pandora Star.

What to expect on your visit? Watch our prerecorded video first and then choose the location you will attend.. We have locations in Phoenix (Arcadia) and Tempe. You will then be directed to our intake, waiver and schedule.

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